Hallo, Feli Filu…

….und viel Spass mit unserem Board.

[19:48] gott: Warning: Permanently added ‚felifilu.gulliboard.com‘ (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[19:48] gott: Enter passphrase for key ‚.ssh/wavecon_dsa‘:
[19:48] gott: Linux felifilu 2.6.15-27-amd64-k8 SMP PREEMPT Fri Dec 8 17:56:50 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[19:48] gott: < - Begrüße Feli Filu :o)

Kategorie: mac hell 2: net. permalink.

One Response to Hallo, Feli Filu…

  1. Pingback: Tigermaus bloggt

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